L/C 中,當中會有一條係 Transferring bank is advising bank.

2008-02-13 11:10 pm
L/C 中,當中會有一條係 Transferring bank is advising bank.
係點解? Transferring bank 係咩,advising bank 又係咩?

回答 (1)

2008-02-16 9:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Advising bank means the bank that advises the credit at the request of the issuing bank
通知行 - 指應開證行的要求通知信用證的銀行。

Transferring bank means a nominated bank that transfers the credit or, in a credit available with any bank, a bank that is specifically authorized by the issuing bank to transfer and that transfers the credit. An issuing bank may be a transferring bank.
轉讓行 - 指辦理信用證轉讓的指定銀行, 或當信用證規定可在任何銀行兌用時,指開證行特別如此授權並實際辦理轉讓的銀行。開證行也可擔任轉讓行。
參考: UCP 600

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