Permutaion and Combination

2008-02-13 10:33 pm
a) Five boys and three girls are about to form a queue
i) If the boys are not going to stand in both ends, how many ways for form such a queue?
ii) If the boys must stand next to one another, how many ways to form such a queue?

b) How many different ways to select three prefects from a group of 9 students?
c) How many different ways to select a captain and a vice captain from a group of 13 students?

回答 (2)

2008-02-14 12:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Five boys and three girls are about to form a queue
( i ) If the boys are not going to stand in both ends, how many
ways for form such a queue?
( ii ) If the boys must stand next to one another, how many
ways to form such a queue?
( i )
3 個女孩人選 2 人站在頭尾兩端
方法有 P32 種
剩餘的 1 個女孩和 5 個男孩排列方式有 6! 種
P32 × 6!
= 6 × 720
= 4320
( ii )
將 5 個男孩視同 1 人, 和 3 個女孩共 4 人
排列方式有 4! 種
5 個男孩的排列方式有 5! 種
4! × 5!
= 24 × 120
= 2880
Ans: ( i ) 4320 ways ( 2 ) 2880 ways
2. How many different ways to select three prefects from a
group of 9 students?
C93 = (9*8*7)/(3*2*1) = 84
Ans: 84 ways
3. How many different ways to select a captain and a vice captain
from a group of 13 students?
P132 = 13 × 12 = 156
Ans: 156 ways
參考: 數學小頭腦
2008-02-18 8:10 pm
1. ( i ) 4320 ways ( 2 ) 2880 ways

2. 84 ways

3. 156 ways

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