
2008-02-13 6:59 pm
what is the next Windows??
and when will the next Windows?? appear

回答 (2)

2008-02-13 7:22 pm
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the next Windows is windows 7, it will appear in 2009.

Windows 7(以前的代號為Blackcomb及Windows "Vienna")是微軟對Windows未來的版本的代號,计划在2009年下半年发布[1]。
開發代碼為“Blackcomb”的操作系統原本安排於 Windows XP 後推出。但是在2001年8月,“Blackcomb”突然宣佈延後數年才推出,取而代之由Vista(開發代號“Longhorn”)在 Windows XP 之後及 Blackcomb 之前推出。自此之後,Blackcomb的開發中經歷了很多次修改及PR manipulations,令 Blackcomb 系列的推出計劃完全被破壞。直至2006年,它仍然只是推出非正式的伺服器及用戶端版本。雖然它還未決定正式的推出日期,但官方預計它會在2009年至2012年間正式推出。
在2006年1月,Blackcomb 被重新命名為“Vienna”(維也納) [2] 。2007年7月,微軟證實內部正式代號為Windows 7[3]。

Microsoft 內部人員講述 Windows 7 不純粹是一個 Windows 的一個大修改[來源請求],而將焦點放在加強人與電腦溝通之上。當 Windows Vista 會以科技為基礎而推出,亦有加入附加元件“UI sparkle”(就像 Windows Aero ),而 Windows 7 則會以為開發家庭及辦公室電腦定一個長遠目標,例如在 Windows 95 時的開始功能表會被新介面完全取代(但就理論上來說, Windows XP 的開始功能表對於 Windows 95 也算是新介面)、檔案總管亦會完全被取代,將會換成新的概念。

Windows 7 (previously codenamed Blackcomb and Vienna) is scheduled to be the next major version of Microsoft Windows as the successor of Windows Vista.[1] Microsoft has announced that it is "scoping Windows 7 development to a three-year timeframe", and that "the specific release date will ultimately be determined by meeting the quality bar."[2] The client versions of Windows 7 will ship in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.[2]

Microsoft is maintaining a policy of silence concerning discussion of plans and aspirations for Windows 7 as they focus on the release and marketing of Windows Vista,[3] stating that Microsoft doesn't want to promise features and then fail to deliver, though some early details of various core operating system features have emerged. As a result, little is known about the feature set, though public presentations from company officials have disseminated information about some features. Leaked information from people to whom M1 of Windows 7 was shipped also provide some insight into the feature set.


Circa 2000, Windows XP and its server counterpart Windows Server 2003 (codenamed Whistler) were planned to be followed-up by a major release of Windows that was codenamed Blackcomb (both codenames refer to the Whistler-Blackcomb resort) and scheduled for a 2005 release.[citation needed] Major features were planned for Blackcomb, including an emphasis on searching and querying data and an advanced storage system named WinFS to enable such scenarios. In this context, a feature mentioned by Bill Gates for Blackcomb was "a pervasive typing line that will recognize the sentence that [the user is] typing in."[4]
2008-02-13 7:25 pm
It lauched already, is windows Vista, though it s sales not as microsoft expected.
Besides, Vista has been blaming so hard by users. Lots said that it s more worse than XP & complaints abt the huge size, even 2GB still running under performance, Vista, still going to replace XP in microsoft future plan.
Microsoft will release out Vista SP1 together XP SP3 also, to fulfill those who hate to use vista or XP current user.

By that, microsoft windows 7 is the next hot topic that should be hotter than Vista. microsoft annouce that windows 7 is not a consumer product(they said it s a replacement of windows server 2003), & will not take place of the Vista. But, who kows?
it s de-javu, making me feel like the time of windows ME/2000 & windows XP. the original idea of microsoft is that XP=windows NT(now windows server 2003). finally, customers choose the best & valuable product, that wont be micorsoft THINK they can control.

So, can we say windows 7 the next? no one knows, but, we all knows that is Vista is not we want.

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