
2008-02-13 6:22 pm
We would like to inform you that the Company has organized the Che Kung Temple acitvity on 1 March 2008 ....

想問以上underline左既tense應該用present perfect定係用future tense(will organize)會合grammar原則呢?

回答 (6)

2008-02-14 4:04 am
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句子模糊的地方是在於organize和1 March 2008;由於你所說的日子是將來,但籌備該是一個已發生的事情,所是句子唸起來有點兒不清楚。

... the company has organized ... to be held on 1 March 2008

... the company is organizing ... to be held on 1 March 2008

... the company will organize ... to be held on 1 March 2008


... the company is holding/will hold ... on 1 March 2008
2008-02-13 7:13 pm
It all depends on what you want to say. If you mean that the Company is a very active one, and that you want to give an example to illustrate what you have said, you use the present perfect tense. You may also mean the Company has organzed such an activity so far, (and that there are other activities in mind). But if you just want to inform, and there will be such an activity on such a date, the future tense is appropriate enough.
2008-02-13 7:13 pm
其實係英文來說,幾種寫法都合grammar原則,但其所表達的時間性就有唔同,我試分別介紹一下,你睇邊個情況適合一d 。

1 the Company has organized 公司剛開始攪了(籌備了)個活動,仍然攪(籌備)緊,個活動會係3月1日舉行
2 the Company will organize 公司將會攪(籌備)但未開始攪(籌備)個活動,個活動會係3月1日舉行
3 the Company organized 公司巳經攪了(籌備了)個活動,基本上乜都攪好(籌備好)晒,個活動會係3月1日舉行
但最重要係睇你上司喜歡用咩tense. 我試過同一份文件比兩個上司批,兩個要既tense 都唔同,死未!
2008-02-13 6:49 pm
We would like to inform you that the Company will have organized the Che Kung Temple activity on 1 March 2008.....

" will have organized" means the company is now organizing the activity and at that date the activity will be ready .
2008-02-13 6:38 pm
Use Has organized. Becuase you want to show that the company has already organzed the activity. If you use future tense it seems that the activity is not yet organized. Has organized is a present perfect tense. Hence it will co-ordinate with the prceeding phrase.
2008-02-13 6:37 pm
We would like to inform you that the Che Kung Temple acitvity will held on 1 March 2008 ....

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