
2008-02-13 5:40 pm
大概寫法可能是:May this book give you spiritual contentment.
「心靈富足」英文翻譯是否 spiritual contentment?或者有更標準的寫法?

回答 (4)

2008-02-13 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can eiter say:

1. Wish that book can give happiness with one's situation in life for your spiritual.

我是在美國瓄書的. 所以我才這讓說。

2008-02-13 10:16:57 補充:
Sould be either, not eiter. Typing error.
參考: Myself
2008-02-15 11:18 pm
Spiritual wealth
2008-02-13 6:20 pm
「心靈富足」英文翻譯是 spiritual contentment
2008-02-13 6:19 pm
hope this book give you spiritual happiness!

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