How to calculate 1-100 by using 1,9,9,3 this four numbers?

2008-02-13 5:32 pm
How to calculate 1-100 by using 1,9,9,3 this four numbers?
I don't care you use +, -, x, /, Square, Pie.....

E.G: 9-9x1+3=3, 9-9+1+3=4, 1+9/9+3=5.

I need to know how to do 47, 61, 65, 70-73, 88, 89?

回答 (3)

2008-02-13 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
9 × 9 + 32 - 1 = 89
92 + 9 + 1 - 3 = 88
92 - 9 + 1 - 3 = 70
(9 + 9) × (3 + 1) = 72
(9 + 1)2 - 92/3 = 73
(9 - 1)2 - 9/3 = 61
(9 - 1)2 + 9/32 = 65

2008-02-13 11:36:35 補充:
3^3 - 9 十 √9 - 1 = 47

2008-02-13 11:39:29 補充:
9^2 - 1 × (3^3)/9 = 729^2 - 1 - (3^3)/9 = 71

2008-02-13 11:51:03 補充:
Sorry for the previous mistake in 47, it should be:arctan (1) 十 3 - 9/9 = 47since arctan (1) = 45
參考: My Maths knowledge
2008-02-13 6:21 pm
39+9-1 = 47
(9+9)x(3+1) = 72
2008-02-13 5:55 pm
39+9-1 = 47
(9+9)x(3+1) = 72


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