
2008-02-13 4:02 pm
I don’t know why the media is chastising Edison for this. Over here in America, when an actor tapes himself screwing the biggest celebrities in the country, every guy he meets on the street will give him a jumping high-five and every girl he filmed will get even more movie deals and record contracts.

回答 (3)

2008-02-13 4:55 pm
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參考: 自己意見
2008-02-13 8:34 pm
so for me i think people in hong kong who send the pictures out and keep talking the same subject are worse than American, because they don't know what is privacy art, 全統中國人ge道德同觀念唔容許人哋咁做, 但係send d 相出去ge人就無錯, 反而victims就要受盡千萬人的指責, do you think that is fair in hong kong? I don't think so
2008-02-13 5:28 pm

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