
2008-02-13 10:13 am

1.近期英國海軍發展很多軍備包括又發展f-35b cvf航空母艦 typ.45驅逐艦 又 機敏級潛水艇,新艦隊能否抵抗俄國的航母殺手現代級驅逐艦,會否重建英國皇家海軍的光輝。如果英國單獨和俄國打海戰边個會win。


2.另外英國最出名的BAE公司全名是什麼 製造什麼軍火.

3.英國武器是否都是多數入口 有冇自己研製 有边D軍火是英國製造

回答 (1)

2008-02-17 8:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)I think Britian will win because the British fleets had more experience and their weapons are more advance.British had also got three Aircraft Carrier,you said 現代級驅逐艦 can defeat them but British can send sea hawk fighter to sink it.
If American help British,British will send tyb.23驅逐艦 to help sinking the submarines.
2)BAE公司 is famous at 製造 cannons and guns.=.=
3)I think not really,they had alot of own weapons example:挑戰者2型坦克,L4輕機槍系列,武士型步兵坦克,AS09Automatic cannon,L118 Cannon.....
參考: 95%me5%internet and book

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