What is 55% of 6.5 ?

2008-02-13 6:22 am

回答 (12)

2008-02-13 6:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well, what everyone fails to mention is why. Okay, when any number is a percentage that means it is out of 100. x/100. Ex: 50% is equal to 1/2 or .5 (you move the decimal place over two times to the left to get a %, "100" two zeros). 25% is 1/4 of .25. Get it? So it you wanted to get 50% of something what would you do? You would divide by two right. Well not all numbers have such a perfect ratio so what you do is you simply multiply what ever the percent is by the number you what to get the percent of and then divide by one hundred.

Ex: 50% of 200 50/100 x 200 or 1/2 x 200 = 100
25% of 400 25/100 x 400 or 1/4 x 400 = 100

Thus, 55% of 6.5 is 55/100 x 6.5 or 11/20 x 6.5 = 3.575
2008-02-13 2:30 pm
6.5 x 55%
= 6.5 x 55/100
= 6.5 x 11/20
= 71.5/20
= 3.575
2008-02-13 2:29 pm
What everyone else said
2008-02-13 2:26 pm
2008-02-13 2:26 pm
2008-02-13 2:25 pm
2008-02-13 2:25 pm
參考: Calculator.
2008-02-13 2:24 pm
2008-02-13 2:24 pm
n = .55 * 6.5
n = 3.575
2008-02-13 2:27 pm
6.5 *.55 = 3.58

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