what is -x ?? HELP!!?

2008-02-13 6:21 am

回答 (7)

2008-02-13 6:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
-x is the opposite value of x. If x=3, -x=-3. If x=-6, then -x=6.
2008-02-13 2:28 pm
negation of x
example x=3

hpoe you understood
2008-02-13 2:27 pm
did you mean "x" or "-x"?

it's a variable. =)
it's something you substitute when there is an unknown integer or something. however, the case is not always "x".. you can sometimes use "y" or "z" or any small letter in the alphabet. =)

and if it says "-x", then it is the negative value of x. =)
2008-02-13 2:24 pm
= -1 * x
2008-02-13 2:24 pm
-x is just -1 times x.
Say x = 3 then -x = -1 * 3 = -3
2008-02-13 2:23 pm
or the same as calculating:

0 - x
2008-02-13 2:23 pm
negative value of x

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