LOnely, I'm MR. lonely?

2008-02-13 5:18 am
Even though I'm alone alot. I like it. I don't feel depressed alone. I'm quite more comfortable alone. For some reason, when I'm alone I feel more free. Does anyone else feel liberated when they are alone?

回答 (14)

2008-02-13 5:22 am
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i've the same feeling wif u.. i'll feel free when i'm alone. besides, i can do anything i like without distubance like listening songs, suft net, reading n so on.... ^^
2008-02-13 5:22 am
I don't mind being alone. I live alone. I just don't like it as a steady diet. It only seems really good by comparison to being with people, that is what makes being alone so nice.
2008-02-13 5:22 am
I'm acttually a very social person. But i like to remain alone when in contact of my own gender.
2008-02-13 5:21 am
yes at times i feel so good just to have time..just to think and stuff like that
2008-02-13 5:21 am

I'll completely quit communicating with someone if I feel they are too close in my life.
2016-12-11 10:11 pm
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2008-02-13 5:39 am
I find it funny that you pronounce your love of being alone while simultaneously relying on others to reaffirm this for you. Either you are not comfortable with always being alone and are searching for reassurance, or don't understand that you are searching for answers in a online community. Your words speak love of solitude, but your actions show love of the rewards a community can offer.
2008-02-13 5:28 am
I don't feel depressed alone either...its quite comforting knowing that you don't have to deal with relationship troubles. but every now and then I wish I had a special someone to share good times with.
2008-02-13 5:26 am
omg, i totally envy you... good for you man
2008-02-13 5:24 am
There are times that i am alone because I chose not to be with any group but I never feel lonely.
2008-02-13 5:23 am
i was on a date with a guy last night. smart, attractive and very good looking and he told me he likes to be alone alot too. He even likes to travel alone and trust me, he was normal. i myself like to be alone cuz i like to be in control of what i do, etc. but i also like to hang out with people every once in a while cuz its healthy and i enjoy that, but too much of someone drives me crazy.
you're normal. don't worry about it.
2008-02-13 5:22 am
i love my alone time. but i guess it can depend on what you mean too. Do you mean alone alot as in single or just alone alot, cause yes i feel much more free when i am alone.
2008-02-13 5:22 am
2008-02-13 5:21 am
no you just a freak

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