I am crying, my heart is ripped. I dont know what I did wrong.?

2008-02-13 5:08 am
Im nearly 14.

I seriously dont know what I did wrong, today was probably the worst day of my life, I just started at high school last week, I was hoping to have a fresh new start. But, apparently the rumours followed me to this school. I got raped last year, and was deeply depressed, I slept with alot of guys and used to cut myself.

Today, we had swimming sports, my whole school (only girls) went to the pool. We had a competition and stuff, it was supposed to be fun I think.

I thought I made a few really good friends, it turned out they never liked me, they dont want to hang around me because I am a s!ut.

Some maori/samoan big girls ganged up on me, started swearing at me and threatening to hurt me, I was really scared and they kept calling me a s!ut and said they didnt like girls like me etc.

I have been trying really hard to make new friends and be really nice to people, smile alot etc.

But everybody I tried to talk to, ignored me, asked me to not talk to them

To go away or started being really mean to me. I went to the showers. Locked myself in a cubicle, turned the cold shower on and sat there for the rest of the day with my clothes on crying really bad. Im not a s!ut, I was really depressed because my life is scr3wed up!!!! Please help me! Im not being a loser/too nice. Im just saying stuff like hey, your hair looks pretty etc. Did I do something wrong *CRY*


But I am boycrazy in the first place :( Anyway, my school is an only girls school.


I tried... My parents wont let me change schools, and nobody knows about the rape part, they know about me cutting and sleeping around. I dont cut anymore. I really wanna change schools *cry*

回答 (18)

2008-02-13 5:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
I feel really bad for you. First of all, so many bad things happen to you, and then when you try to make a new start stuff like this. Now, there is a way which will definitely help you. The first thing you must remember is that you should never cut yourself or do anything that you don't want to do! Have some self-esteem; talk to your school counselor if you think s/he's helpful. Then you ignore what they say. Be sure to steer clear from being accused of being a slut in THIS school. Don't talk with alot of boys, even if they're friends. People will only think you're sleeping with them. Make friends with one or two people who you think you can share what happened to you. Don't choose very popular people or people who aspire to be popular. Choose someone who is nice but reserved and understanding. Be friends with them, share everything. Within a few months, once others see you are just like them and not into boys or anything, they'll probably forget the whole thing. But be sure to talk to an adult about this, like a counselor or a teacher. They'd be sure to help in the school.
Best of luck!
2016-05-27 2:21 pm
He doesn't respect you at all. He expects you to forgive him readily each time but doesn't really mean his apology since he does it over and over. You feel weak, and he obviously can see that because he's successfully battered your self-esteem and probably uses it to bind you to him. I don't think you can fix this relationship because you can't change who he is nor who you are. If you tell him you're going to leave him but don't too many times, he won't take you seriously anymore. I don't think you're too weak, I think you've been made to believe you're too weak. Make a list of all the things he's done to you and all the ways he's hurt you. Look at that list and realise that there's nothing left to love about him. Then you'll find the strength to leave him. And when you do, go cold turkey - no calls, no emails, no visits, nothing (this should be easier since he's overseas). Once he's flushed out of your system, you'll realise you've had that strength all along. You deserve better than this idiot and everyone can see that.
2008-02-13 6:38 am
I am soo sorry.. I wud jus say 1 thing dun bother others stop thinkin about wat ppl think bout.. Jus b yourself.. N friens dey ll also come but shud b patient... Its never too lare to begin... Jus dun worry n dun hurt urself... lik dat den u ll completely b weak u hav 2 b strong emotionally n show ppl dat dey dun really matter 2 u... Den d things will definitly change for u...
2008-02-13 6:03 am
Omg..I'm so sorry hun :( U know I'm 20 years old, and I had drinking problem before, and I thought i was going to become an alcoholic and stuff, but c i changed just like u except that u r not an alcoholic. Nobody has the right to judge u or anything like that. Why dont u just talk to ur parents, and change ur school? or just get home study? Just keep ur head up and dont let ANYONE to judge u kkk? :) Good luck sweety

C ppl could call me an alcoholic if i was in high school, but I'm in university and nobody in here makes fun of u or judges u by ur past and stuff. Its k ppl make mistakes in their life. Just like me, just like u, just like everybody else, but make sure u dont do it again, and dont give a *** who says wut about u..
2008-02-13 5:35 am
1. You are not a s!ut. No matter what it feels like the whole world is telling you, you're not a s!ut. Some bad stuff happened, and maybe you didn't deal with it as well as you might have wanted to, but that's just a consequence of being human and making mistakes. Just remember that just because they call you a slut, doesn't make you one.
2. Please please please go to a counselor or therapist. If you don't deal with the traumas you've been through, you could create a lot of emotional scars for yourself. This can make it difficult for you in the future to have healthy, functional relationships or you could have trust or intimacy issues with men.
3. Try to go to support groups for women who've survived sexual assaults. This is extremely critical. For 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, you're going to be surrounded with a lot of people who'll try to tell you who you are and you need to combat this by being around people who'll be supportive of you. These are the things that are going to make high school tolerable for you and help you get through the day.

But above all, do not for a second believe that you are a s!ut. You are not.
2008-02-13 5:34 am
don't give up!! ok? i believe tat 1 day u will meet lots n lots of good frenz.. nvm, just believe in yourself n b confident!!! i'll support u! ^^
2008-02-13 5:33 am
I feel very sorry for you, ma'am. I may not help a lot, and I am not in high school, but maybe a few tips may help?

-Don't do those things to yourself. You are only harming yourself for no good reason.

-What others say doesn't matter. I have been told to go turn away from people such as that. I know it is harder than doing some other things. But still, it is a great option.

-Be friendly no matter what. Whether rumors spread or things like that, ignore them (and I realize how hard this may be at times.).

-Remember, revenge is not the best option around. People think that it is, but what will you gain? You will gain nothing. The only thing you will gain is regret and more rumors.

-During free time or if your school does not require uniform, try to dress delightfully, as if you are happy to be alive. People may stop making fun of you because they judge by appearance.

-Ask your parents if you may move to a new school. Don't be afraid to talk to them or other adults. It may be a great way out f this mess.

-Maybe excel in academics or other things such as music/athletics. This may get you a good reputation in your school or somewhat...

-Be patient. A TRUE friend will turn up eventually!

I have one last tip for you: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten son. That whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16." I live by this verse. In times of discomfort, I remember that there is always at least one person who always loves me: God.

Well, I hope that these tips help. I would have been able to give some more if I had more time (Homeworks and-- OMG!!! TESTS!!!!!). You may want to ask for professional help. Cuz' what do I know? I'm just a young adolescent who wants to help!
2008-02-13 5:26 am
wow thise arent ur real friends. I am here. I am 14 yers old 2. i havent been threw ur situation though. btw my email is [email protected]
2008-02-13 5:24 am
you should go look for a consular or trust in the Lord...i don't know what you are going through and how badly you are hurt but i know that God knows...so i'll just be praying for you, though i don't whatsoever know who you are...but it hurts me to see people like you get hurt..no one desever to be hurt we all should live in harmony...but this world is twist by love and people do things bad and in your case i'll just try to move to another school and maybe you should learn aome martial arts to keep yourself safe...you are a wonderful person don't let other people look you down just becasue you are young...stay strong okay?^-^
2008-02-13 5:21 am
OMG IM SO SRRY! where the hecdo u go to skool im 14 too...omg u need to stand up for yourself. i used to be emo but i swear u need to get a grip and ughh ... i kno this seems impossible but Walk away from them be tough be confident and out spoken i just strted high skool with a bunch of preppy sluts and ive learned to be origianl ...look for ppl who are like u ..and i ftheres not tlk to a counsler or teacher... this sounds dorky but tell them ((leave out the rape part)
try to chnge classes !!!
pleae be strong
remembr there r ppl out there like u
( i got raped whe ni was 5 )
be strong
an no more cutt'n : )
2008-02-13 5:21 am
honey, im so sorry. i would talk to ur guardian and try to go to a diffrent school, out side of town. and try to hide wut u have dont. it is not your fault what has happened to u. u dont need to have those hores being mean to u. but please dont commit suicide, or cut urself. good luck. SINCE UR PARENTS WONT LET U CHANGE SCHOOLS, UM...IM SOOO SRRY BUT I DONT KNO WHAT TO TELL U. MAKE FRIENDS WITH ANOTHER GURL THAT HAS NO FRIENDS. U GUYS MIGHT HAVE ALOT IN COMMON
2008-02-13 5:20 am
well just wait the first day is always the worst.
2008-02-13 5:20 am
No you didn't. People are cruel, they shouldn't be making fun of you over stuff like that. I am sorry that happened to you. My advice to you is to try to focus on school, I'm sure their has to be someone their who will look past the things you have done. Focus on school the right friend will come along. Again I'm sorry and don't worry things will get better soon. I will be praying for you sweetie.
2008-02-13 5:19 am
stand up and be counted. don't make yourself so eager to be friends with everyone and anyone. let them come to you and just ignore those who rejects you. think of it as you rejected them. remember you are SOMEBODY and not a NOBODY. You have every right they have and if they bully you report them to the office.
2008-02-13 5:18 am
Oh hun, you didn't do anything wrong......it's very wrong of THEM to judge you like that. High School is so rough, but rougher on you with everything you have been through. Be the stronger person, and keep on being sweet and kind to everyone even if they don't deserve it. And if you need someone to talk to or just vent about your day feel free to email me....everything will get better, I promise
2008-02-13 5:16 am
its ok! my life isnt perfect too. But leave ur past behind! Or maybe even go to a new school. that might help. but please dont cut urself!
good luck,
2008-02-13 5:15 am
awww honey i am soo sorry.
dont do that to yourself.
you wanted a new start?
well clearly you didnt get it at that school.
try somewhere else.
if people do bother you, dont let them get to you.
there just bitches. dont listen to their bullshit.
you'll find a friend. there ARE decent people out there.
you;ll find one.
take care of yourself.
2008-02-13 5:14 am
what a pity

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