Is this country in a recession cause all I see is down falls in every way possible?

2008-02-12 9:38 am
If not a recession than what the hell is going on when we have no jobs, we tell are kids to go to college but can't afford to pay for them to go why NO JOBS get a higher paying job but wait NO JOBS. Plan for the future buy a house, home prices are out of this world and guess what NO JOBS to pay for them get the point.

回答 (5)

2008-02-12 10:05 am
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Unemployment has stayed consistently between 5% and 6%, a level that is not consistent with previous recessions. January unemployment data will come out Thursday, and many observers will look at that number as a prelimanry indicator of whether we are in fact really in a recession.
2008-02-12 9:13 pm
It's not as much a recession as it is stagflation - a stagnant economy with rising prices. And for those of you who are trusting government unemployment statistics, you should know that they only count as unemployed anyone who has only been out of work less than three months. This is how they hide the true unemployment figures in this country. So pretty much any time you get a rosy statistic from this administration, it's been monkeyed with.

Prices are rising because of the huge deficits the government has racked up, including the trillions of dollars of debt we now owe to the Chinese. This all combines to make the US dollar worth less and less every day, so even the cheap socks from China cost more every day. And because we allow a one-sided trade situation with so many countries (we let them ship their goods here while they refuse to let us sell ours there), our jobs are going overseas as well. And it's not just the low level jobs like the sock makers, it's computer jobs, medical jobs, and high tech jobs like the above mentioned airplane repairs that are taking place in Asia and Central America. Jobs that are available here are very low level jobs like picking cotton and very high level jobs which require an expensive higher education. Those in the middle are sales and direct service jobs, and there just aren't enough of those for the number of people competing for them, so the salaries drop.

I believe we will not have a recession, no matter what they call it. We will go straight from stagflation to depression.
2008-02-12 5:49 pm
That's because some of the biggest companies are shipping all your work and your kids work overseas. So Many are being shipped to China India and all kinds of other countries. Not only is that your families future jobs being taken away but its a lot of money the USA could have used for tax money. Do you think those Chinese workers pay taxes to us no. And believe me there are thousands and thousands of more companies shipping your work overseas. Banks, call centers, manufacturing, accounting firms, and even American airlines are starting to be worked on by Asian mechanics now how safe do you feel knowing some guy from some Asian country is working on our planes. And I don't think any of the presidents can do anything about it or won't even try. They are all paid off by big business just like the ones that ship your work overseas. Why do you think they would run for president if it only pays 200,000 a year. They are paid off long before they run. We gotta do something and we gotta seal are borders not just to Mexico but to all other countries until we get our stuff together. Sorry for the long paragraph but i think about this a lot. Ron Paul seems to care and i like his plan, but who knows even he can be corrupt you never know.
2008-02-12 5:50 pm
Yes,because the useless Abdullah Badawi is in the PM office.
2008-02-12 5:50 pm
recession proof yourself. Live frugally No new cars, save up and hopefully things will improve later on

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