How did Hitler gain control?

2008-02-12 9:33 am
What made him their national hero or how did he gain his political position.

回答 (9)

2008-02-12 9:46 am
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He was elected on a program which didn't clearly spell out his intentions. Once in power...he dismantled the democratic process, and through manipulation and fear gained total control.
As to national hero....
Hitler observed "It is fortunate for those in power that people do not think."
Althoug an evil man...he was an astute judge of human nature. In this observation...he was correct. (Consider George W. Bush...he'd probably agree with Hitler's observation)
Hitler also correctly observed
"Give a man a medal and you've won his loyalty for life."
Bush would probably grin and secretly agree with this too.
2008-02-12 9:58 am
That is complex. In actual fact, Hitler did not, as such, win thee election on the 30th January 1933. His party was the biggest (43%) and he was able to form a government with the help of small nationalistic parties.
People in Germany had enough of parties (literally) fighting. The alternatives to Hitler were either weak (all the big parties had been in power and never really made that much of a difference to either the economic disaster, nor to the political in-fighting) or unacceptable: the Communist Party was unelectable because of Stalin.
Hitler was a choice of desperation; nothing else had worked. Strangely, things calmed down after his election. The streets started to become safer, there was suddenly good pay and food on the cards.
The whole situation was a combination of economic crisis, political instability, social unrest, and a historical burden (the peace treaty of Versaille had left Germany crippled).
Having said all this, Hitler was still the very wrong choice, since from the beginning he told people of his aggressive and anti-semitic intentions. Germans often said, after the war, that they did not know, and that they never suspected. That's frankly bulls**t, as he and his party trumpeted their intention out at every opportunity.
2008-02-12 9:48 am
World War 1 (1914-1919) left Germany in economic ruin.
Adolf Hitler, who loved his country very much, envisioned a powerful Germany with a rich culture and flourishing economy for the German People.

Hitler, with his almost flawless speaking capabilities, was able to rally the German people to his side, with promises of restoring Germany to a world-respected superpower...He was to Germany what JFK or FDR was to the US.

The National Socialist Party (NAZI) had won major vicotires in the German Parliament through its platform of which I spoke above, and through a twist of fate, when then president Hindenburg had died, Hitler took over as Chancellor in 1933 and consolidated power into his own hands, ruling with an iron fist.

We know the rest of the story, and I wont bother to mention it.

There is a link below that you can read about Hitler and his rise to power.

Boy Wonder
2008-02-12 9:36 am
He was elected by the German people. After he took power, all that democracy thing no longer exist.
2016-10-18 8:05 pm
perchance because of the fact he had lots solid arm political help. His character won him diverse help on the time. there have been numerous factors to Hitler, he became a extremely stable artist, he hated super interest looking which he stated as cowardly, I additionally as quickly as examine he became a vegetarian . He became a efficient political tactician who surrounded himself with solid arm followers. of direction he became over ambitious which became a mistake , he had no probability against such diverse allies. He became racist, combating against Jewish banking and Jewish administration of the criminal occupation, he deserved to lose that one because of the fact no longer all bankers and legal professionals have been Jewish. because of the fact the tip of WW2 he have been heavily castigated by ability of whoever owns the western media, subsequently we basically be attentive to approximately his undesirable part , like maximum folk he had a stable and undesirable part
2008-02-12 10:40 am
Satan gave Hitler supernatural power.
2008-02-12 10:22 am
this is a long story and many books have been written about the subject.
He was a shrewd manipulator of the masses and one of the best speakers of his time,always finding the right subject and the right tonality to convince the listeners.
His sort of rhetoric would not work today anymore,but only because he discredited this sort of frenzied speaking style.
Political manipulation has not stopped,it just uses different techniques today.
2008-02-12 9:52 am
By a stealth movement of gaining increasing power, so that people didn't realise what was happening until it was too late. I have already set out the course of events in a previous answer to a similar question, and am not going to repeat myself here. This is one of those cases where the best overview of the subject is contained in Wikipedia ('s_rise_to_power)

This sets out the progress of events very clearly.

It is wrong to blame the German people en masse for his election - he never obtained the majority of the vote in a free and democratic poll. Further, he did not take over from the founder of the Nazi Party - that was he!
2008-02-12 9:43 am
the way all politicians do...he sucked up to the guy who was the leader of the then fledgling nazi party, and then when the time was right, took over control and the rest is history. part of his appeal was that he was a great public speaker, that much no one can deny, and could whip a crowd into a nationalistic frenzy with his well spoken and well timed rhetoric.....

and the rest, as they say, is history....i don't think the German people really bargained for what they got when they elected him into power

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