Why do nonsensical over emotional devoid of humour people bother to answer a question if they don't like it?

2008-02-12 8:49 am
Why do they even bother coming to Yahoo the miserables sods?
I post questions to give people a laugh but some of you people are way too serious, take a chill pill ffs.

回答 (16)

2008-02-12 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
i totally agree, i love your questions and some of your answer have me in hysterics! people need to chill
The other day i asked a question about cooking steak and a vegetarian answered and had a right go at me for eating meat! ha
2008-02-12 4:55 pm
well i wouldn't bother wasting your points by asking questions if you don't want honest answers,
2008-02-12 4:53 pm
Perhaps they are out of chill pills. Chill pills are not cheap, you know.
2008-02-12 5:03 pm
These people should be ignored. If they wish to waste our time with crap answers just for the points or attention or whatever then they should be left to their lonely selves. You're quite correct; miserable sods.
2008-02-12 5:02 pm
Upon reading that you post questions to make people laugh I decided to read your previous questions in order to experience this humour. Then I find your questions are private. No good having cool questions if I can't read them.
2008-02-12 5:01 pm
I always get a laugh from the people who seriously answer a question that you just know was written as a spoof. For example, you get a guy asking if it's okay to smoke weed with a regular wooden tobacco pipe. Then you get about 10 people answering that question seriously! Hilarious!!

Sorry, I gotta run and throw another bale of weed on the campfire and somebody just passed me a bong made from jet engine parts. Guess I'll be busy for a while.
2008-02-12 5:10 pm
We all have a difference sense of humour. I don't recall any of your questions, except for the last one, which I have just answered. I do sometimes have a little laugh whilst on here. I hope you carry on making people laugh.
2008-02-12 5:06 pm
Beats me, Astaroth

some are really on another planet,

I don'y answer Q's if it has no intrest to me.

Ther is a lot of people on here and at Yahoo its self, who need to get a life,

I cant give you points but will give you a Star.

I want Happy people, :-)

Smile you bar steads
2008-02-12 5:04 pm
Maybe they are trying to tell the egotistical, self-satisfied, intolerant questioners that they should spend more time with their heads outside their fundament.
On the other hand some of them are simply pointless.
2008-02-12 4:59 pm
Because they have nothing to do in real life.

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