Ciao, my height is only 149cm. I want my height to increase, you know how?

2008-02-12 8:45 am
Can you suggest some clothes which will suit me? I am fair with dark brown hair (shoulder length). I am slim and trim. I have a long and pretty face. My eyes have a round shape and my age is 14 years .

回答 (5)

2008-02-12 8:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
At 14, you should wait a year a two before hitting the gym, since working out too early stops growth, but its best to let genetics kick in, you still have 4 years to grow more, a growth spurt should be around the corner.
2008-02-12 4:54 pm
How is playing basketball going to increase your height?

Drinking milk is an old and traditional method. (or you could go the Roger Clemens/McGuire/Sosa/Pettite way, and you use HGH hormone), but that is not recommended.

2008-02-12 5:14 pm
I'm 14 too and i'm only short
DO NOT TAKE HORMONES they don't help much but they can damage your body
Try wearing shirts which stripe downwards, stripes down increase the look of height and stripes across increase the look of broadness.
Wear long shirts and long trousers with a belt. You could also try wearing trainers or shoes with a bit of a heel if you want.

Try natural remedies to increase height, e.g. massages, drinking milk and making sure you get an equal balance in vitamins. Don't worry you'll grow in time.
You'll also learn to accept your height. (i know i have)

Good luck and i hope this helped :D
參考: experience
2008-02-12 5:07 pm
-skipping rope
2008-02-12 4:52 pm
Wanna increase your height? Play basketball.

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