Where can I go to translate my birth certificate from malay to english??

2008-02-12 8:28 am

回答 (6)

2008-02-12 9:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
These things have to be done by the official authorities and, if you are resident abroad, the Embassy of Malaysia or the High Commision of Malaysia is the place to contact. It depends where you are residing at the moment. In the UK the Foreign Office might help.
See on the following:
I hope it helps.
2017-01-13 5:44 am
Malaysian Birth Certificate Translation
2008-02-15 7:02 am
There are several online Malay-English dictionaries out there that can help you with your translation such as http://www.CitCat.com/ if your Malay is rusty. You can also get a Malay-English-Malay dictionary to help with the process.

Alternately, you could opt to have it translated by a professional for a fee.

You also may have a language school in your area that can either help you translate the document, or certify your translation if you choose to do it on your own.

Mybuddies.net has a translated version online, but use it at your own risk. This can be found at http://www.mybuddies.net/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1430&PN=1

Good luck!
2008-02-12 9:21 am
Buy a Malay > English dictionary in MPH bookstore.
2008-02-12 8:53 am
You can try posting your birth certificate as a picture file under the
Home >
Travel >
Asia Pacific >
Malaysia> section.

They will be more than willing to translate it for you.
2008-02-12 8:40 am

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