two english sentence

2008-02-13 6:37 am
english sentence
1.)use (enthusiastically) and (cellulose) to make two sentence!

enthusiastically(adv.) 熱心地;滿腔熱情地
cellulose (n.) 纖維素;(植物的)細胞膜質

回答 (1)

2008-02-13 7:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
enthusiastically--------------She greeted him enthusiastically with a kiss.
enthusiastically-------------She always helps people enthusiastically.

cellulose-----Cellulose is an organic substance that forms the main part of all plants and trees and is used in making plastics, paper etc.

cellulose-----People use any of various compounds of cellulose in making paint or lacquer.

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