✔ 最佳答案
1. To carry out non-clinical duties in hospice unit, including general clerical work, filing and record keeping, counter work and public/telephone enquires, patient records retrieval, clerical support for nursing task, booking appointments and investigations, keeping inventory and replenishing ward stores, keeping inventory and maintenance record of ward furniture and equipment.
2. Assist in data collection and compilation of statistical report.
3. Supporting patient's education / teaching activities.
4. Assist in organizing different programs and activities of department.
5. Liaise with community healthcare partners & patients independently.
6. Perform any other duties as assigned by supervisors.
可能不定時, 超時或輪班或視乎人手調配, 調往不同聯網內醫院工作。
還有是不是要等很久才會通知你去面試的? 視乎那個聯網請人而定, 據悉, 呢期港島西較多職位, 等的時間較短(尤其在"頭條報"出的, 更是walk-in interview), 可試試!
過了三個月才有人通知再第二次面試: 唔誇張, 再誇張d都試過呢(我試過嘛, 唔少啦, 不過比以前好好多啦)!
面試會問什麼問題的呀? 不定, 例如點解您想在醫院工作, 有無文職經驗, 是否怕醫院工作環境......(很多很不同, 視乎係哪個部門請人)。
要考試嗎? 有些部門要求做trade test, 例如打字和writing test。
2008-02-13 12:23:12 補充:
現時此種職位的叫法是合約支援服務助理(文書)或者係一般事務助理 (General Services Assistant)。工作範圍(中文):支援辦公室運作,包括文書處理、資料輸入、電腦應用、檔案處理、登記接待服務、護送訪客、解答一般查詢和執行由上級所指派的其他職務。