
2008-02-13 4:51 am

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2008-02-15 1:19 am
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做法:(1) 三文魚頭洗淨,切開十多件及略沖後瀝水。

(2) 紅蘿蔔及白蘿蔔去皮,洗淨切大塊;薑去皮磨出薑汁待用。

(3) 三文魚頭放入滾水內汆水後瀝乾。

(4) 汁料混和少許薑汁,煮滾;放入三文魚頭、紅蘿蔔及白蘿蔔煮,

備註:(1) 煮汁料必須蓋過所有材料,並以慢火煮稔蘿蔔,否則易乾水。

Simmered Salmon Head w/Turnip

Ingredients : 1 Salmon Head

1 pc ginger

1 Turni

1/2 Carrot

Some parsley

Sauce : 1 tbsp mirin

1 tbsp dark soy sauce

Some sugar

Method : (1) Wash the salmon head & cut into 10 pcs. Drain.

(2) Peel the skin of carrot & turnip. Wash & cut into big pieces. Peel the

ginger & squeeze to get the ginger juice.

(3) Poach the salmon Head with hot water. Drain & set aside.

(4) Mix the sauce ingredients with ginger juice. Boil it low & cook until the

carrot soft. Put all on the plate & garnish the parsley.2)紅 扣 鮑 魚 材料:1罐罐頭鮑魚,4兩火腩肉,1片薑,西蘭花適量


做法:(1) 西蘭花洗淨,切成小朵,用鹽,油水拖水,瀝乾作伴碟用。

(2) 取出鮑魚抹乾水份,切成大薄塊待用。

(3) 燒熱二湯匙油,爆香薑片,灒酒及加入調味料,煮滾候用。

(4) 將鮑魚塊排放在一個中型深碗內四周,中央放入火腩肉,注入調味料,隔水蒸約三十分

Abalone w/Roasted Pork

Ingredients : 1 can of abalone

160g Roasted pork belly

1 slices of ginger

Some broccoli

Seasonings : 1/2 tsp sugar

1/2 cup of stock

1/8 cup of abalone juice

2 tbsp water

1 tsp cornflour

1 tbsp oyster sauce

1 tsp light soy sauce

A dash of seasame oil & a pinch of pepper

Method : (1) Rinse & trim broccoli. Blanch with a little salt & oil

Arrange along the rim of plate.

(2) Wipe abalone & cut into thin slices.

(3) Heat 2 tbsp oil to saute ginger. Sprinkle wine and

pour in seasoning mixture. Cook till boil.

(4) Arrange sliced ablaone in a medium-sized bowl &

place roasted pork at the centre. Pour in seasoning

sauce & steam ingredients for 30 mins. Remove &

invert bowl over plate. Reserve sauce and heat till

boil, complete with cornflour water & pour over


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