港交所 認股證一問

2008-02-13 1:56 am
想問, 例如港交所(0388) 入面ge 咁多隻warrent, 點解會有d 永遠都無人買/賣, 無交易量呢?

例如認購證2205, 行使價110, 到期日3月28日, 換股比率100,假設我有50000股2205認購證, 到期日港交所係160元, 我係咪可以收番500 x 50 = $ 25000? (未計手續費).

如果我無計錯的話, 咁都幾好賺吖, 點解仲會無人去買呢d warrent?

回答 (2)

2008-02-13 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-02-13 2:57 am
Whether a warrant is attractive to buy will depends on several factors. Most obvious is LEVERAGE, you will want to buy warrant at low premium but will give you high gearing. 2205 is safe, but its gearing is so low, and also look at its SPREAD for today. The bid/ask is 0.495/0.600, which means if i buy now and sell immediately, i already lose 16% (ie, buy at 0.6 and sell at 0.495). I would rather pick other warrants which the spread is much less. For example, 6089 bid/ask is 0.154/0.156, more LIQUIDITY, and will have less pressure on you when you trade. In case you bought wrong, you can sell immediately at less 'penalty'.

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