
2008-02-13 12:41 am
個題目係My Favourite Person

回答 (4)

2008-02-14 6:17 am
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My favourite person is my mother. She is a (her occupation). Though she is very busy in her work, she still tries very hard to spare time on me. (If your mother is a housewife, ignore this sentence) She often teaches me how to do homework, cook my meals, do the housework, buy me new clothes and books... Once I was sick, she spent her entire day cooking congee and feeding me medicine. I thanked her a lot. My favourite person is my mother because she loves me very much. In return, I'll be a good son/daughter and treat my mother well.

2008-02-13 22:19:22 補充:
參考: me
2008-02-13 1:48 am
My favourite person is (name).(His/Her)is my (friend/father/...).(His/Her)has(the look of the person, at least 3, hair).(His/Her)is a (charateristics,e.g.kind)person.
(Name)is my favourite person because(reason).We (what you do with the person).(Name)is my favourite person

2008-02-12 17:50:02 補充:
(Name)is my favourite person +full stop.
參考: myself
2008-02-13 1:24 am
you may divid your artical like this:

1. My Favourite person is xxx. (has to be a person, not a thing, doll is not a person) How do you know this person. (whats the relationship with you)

2. The reason you like this person. (eg. I like xxx because he is very brave) and explain (give some example or tell a story to support it- eg. One time when we were travelling in xxx, xxxyyy happened, he/she did xxxyyyzzz)

3. What do you learn from this person, did he/she inference you in some ways?
2008-02-13 1:00 am
My favourite person is doll . It is my father give me .It is very epensive ! I like this because it is my brithday person . It is very cute . I like this person very much!

2008-02-12 17:04:50 補充:

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