
2008-02-12 10:54 pm
Show that if p,q,r are positive integers satisfying
(1/p)+(1/q)+(1/r) < 1
(1/p)+(1/q)+(1/r) <= 41/42

回答 (1)

2008-02-13 2:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Obviously, p,q,r > 1
(1/p)+(1/q)+(1/r) obtains maximum when p,q and r are of the smallest possible values.
However, they cannot be all 2 at the same time.
So, when one of p,q and r is 2, the smallese possible value of the other two is 3.
When one of them is 2 and one of them is 3:
if the last one is 4, (1/2)+(1/3)+(1/4) = 13/12 > 1
5, (1/2)+(1/3)+(1/5) = 31/30 > 1
6, (1/2)+(1/3)+(1/4) = 1
7, (1/2)+(1/3)+(1/7) = 41/42< 1
For the last one > 7, the value of (1/p)+(1/q)+(1/r) < 41/42
Hence, 41/42 is the maximum possible value foe (1/p)+(1/q)+(1/r) if (1/p)+(1/q)+(1/r) < 1.
i.e. (1/p)+(1/q)+(1/r) <= 41/42

(I'm an S.4 student only. I don't know the formal proof)

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