
2008-02-12 6:41 pm
注~~~all english 全英文

回答 (3)

2008-02-12 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
沙頭角 Sha Tau Kok
吉澳 Crooked Island

Ko Lau Wan,Sai Kung

Grass Island

The Qilin (Chinese: 麒麟; pinyin: qílín; Wade-Giles: ch'ilin), also spelled Kylin, or Kirin (Japanese and Korean) is a mythical hooved Chinese chimerical creature known throughout various East Asian cultures, and is said to appear in conjunction with the arrival of a sage. It is a good omen that brings rui (Chinese: 瑞; pinyin: ruì; roughly translated as "serenity" or "prosperity"). It is often depicted with what looks like fire all over its body.

The Qilin is known in other languages as: Sabitun Sabintu (in Manchu), Hariharipo Hariharimo (in Tibetan), Билигтэй Бэлэгтэй Гөрөөс (in Mongolian), Kỳ lân (in Vietnamese), Ki len (in Thai), Girin (in Korean), Kirin (in Japanese) and Keilun (Cantonese).
參考: See above
2008-02-12 7:44 pm

沙頭角 :Sha Tau Kok

吉澳 :Crooked Island

西貢高流灣: Sai Kung Ko Lau Wan

塔門 :Grass Island

麒麟 :a kylin / a (Chinese)unicorn


I hope I can help you !


2008-02-12 11:46:46 補充:
西貢高流灣 is also Ko Lau Wan,Sai Kung
2008-02-12 7:02 pm
Unicorn(麒麟),Sha T'ouchi Australia angle(沙頭吉澳角),Saigon Gao Liuwan(西貢高流灣),pylon(塔門)

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