Do you believed that the aliens will come to our planet one day?

2008-02-12 7:36 am
I hope the aliens will come to our planet and kidnap me so i can go to another planet....

回答 (12)

2008-02-12 7:41 am
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I'll give you a star for being interesting. that should give you a lift and you can imagine yourself to be on another world straightway. Just go get new experiences to fulfil you interests.
2016-10-03 7:37 pm
there is loads of evidence to point that they have. I do have faith that they have visited our planet, and do periodically to video show. hey, we are watching Mars, good? think of our technological applications one thousand million years from now. on account that we are a spec interior the universe, it may well be ignorant to think of that ours is the only planet that would help organic and organic existence. So odds are, there are different civilizations available far greater for stepped forward than us, and it may well be prevalent for them to prefer to video show our planet on condition that they have the applications. and there is plenty video evidence and eyewitness bills that may not be able of be defined away, spanning maximum of our background.
2008-02-15 3:01 pm
i think not because i believe that aliens does not exist
2008-02-12 9:35 am
There are more than 6,000,000,000 (six billion) peoples on the earth. Why do you think the aliens will choose to kidnap you but not kidnap me or others? LOL
2008-02-12 8:54 am
Dear Kelly, I prefer to live here, on Planet Earth. This is my little home. I have everything I wish especially because I am not sure that in a different planet I could eat or breathe.
But I am a dreamer (and not the only one). So, I hope that somewhere, in a distant planet of our Galaxy (and beyond) intelligent life could come into contact with us. Sometimes, relationships here on Planet Earth are so difficult that probably relationships with an extraterrestrial intelligence could be extremely difficult.
In any case, I am waiting for a signal from other world!
2008-02-12 8:11 am

one day?:)

taht day was few miliion years ago in the past

and still here they are

get a clue in life:)
參考: if u not seen this video u seen nothing yet
2008-02-12 8:01 am
Too much TV and stop believing every thing you see on TV cos sometimes u will end up crazy best advice speak to your parent about this or visit nearest psychological therapist
2008-02-12 8:00 am
no sweet heart, but we do have them coming from across the border... butcher.....
2008-02-12 7:47 am
Why people always make the assumption that aliens are more technologically advanced than us?
2008-02-12 7:44 am
No. The distances are simply too great.

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