Do You Agree That UK Fire Fighters Should Be Given Rights To Defend Themselves???

2008-02-11 7:09 pm
These men put their lives on the line to save the lives of others...yet there are (according to sky news) at least 40 violent attacks on them per week...How sick is that??? I have seen some recorded attacks and trust me these juveniles can be pretty violent....

回答 (26)

2008-02-11 8:23 pm
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Damn right they should. I cannot believe a mentality that would attack any member of our 999 services, it beggars belief. Send an armed officer out with them on every shout if necessary, these brave men and women should not be subjected to this treatment. Logic dictates that the majority who do this kind of thing must be local to the "incident" surely people know who they are, so why don't they report them? More to the point, why aren't the adults around the incident not clearing these little s***s away? If I was a witness to this kind of behaviour I would wade in, and b****r the consequences. We have let the yobs away with too much for too long, time to take control of our communities back, and what better cause than protecting our emergency services?
2008-02-11 7:16 pm

As should people in the Ambulance service. As for firefighters, they are there risking their life as the result of a bit of chavy fun!

What these little inbreeds don't realise is that one day they may well require the services of the men/women they have just attacked!
2008-02-11 7:13 pm
Wow, that shocks me. If they are being attacked, they should either have protection or be able to defend themselves. That's sad, firefighters are considered heroes here in the US.
2008-02-11 7:20 pm
prainva many people consider them hero's here too.

Its the minority of of retarded chavs living with their benefit single parents who do this for night time entertainment.

When there need the 999 emergency services they are first on the phone requesting help.

It should be made a specific offence like it is on a Police Officer and taken to court with a mandatory fine/sentence.
2008-02-11 7:17 pm
yeah they should some of these youths need locking up and having the key thrown away fire fighters work hard they dont need prats throwing stuff at them
2008-02-11 7:13 pm
yeah i fully agree that firefighters should be able to defend themselves. also paramedics. its disgusting how kids attack these guys. one day it could be them needing help and just maybe the firemen wont help them cause they being attacked by someone else. basically though if people are caught attacking the emergency services crew they should be given a heavy jail term.
2008-02-11 7:12 pm
Yes, as far as I am concerned, they can do what they like to the rif-raf.
2008-02-11 7:12 pm
Turn the hose on the little chav scummers.
2008-02-11 7:12 pm
100% yes
2008-02-11 7:12 pm
They should at least be allowed to turn the hoses on them...accidently of course.
2008-02-11 7:12 pm
yes, they should be issued with tranquiliser darts. Then when the stupid little bastards attack them, they can be put to sleep, dragged off & drowned.
2008-02-11 7:21 pm
Yes !!!
These Idiots that hurl bricks at them while their trying to do their job ?!?!!!?
How would they feel if the Fire was at their house or someone they knows house ????
This sick attacks should be made an immediate Jailing offence !
2008-02-11 7:20 pm
Yes yes and yes !!
2008-02-11 7:18 pm
Turn their hoses on the little s..ts. The fire hoses I mean
2008-02-11 7:14 pm
Everyone has the right to defend themselves.
2008-02-11 7:13 pm
Yes I agree
2008-02-11 7:12 pm
I think they do have the right...just in case they don't I do agree with you
2008-02-11 7:22 pm
Yes they should, and given the right to use whatever tools it takes to do so!!!!!!!!.
2008-02-11 7:20 pm
I cannot believe that somebody would attack a fire fighter, that's the most awful thing I heard for ages! I completely agree that they should be able to protect themselves, as long as they can prove that they have only done what was necessary to restrain or deter the attacker. Surely everybody has the right to defend themselves and people who work to protect and defend others are no exception. To be honest if you're the type of person who would attack a fire fighter you probably deserve whatever you get!
2008-02-11 7:19 pm
YES... and i belive and freedom speech
2008-02-11 9:34 pm
Everyone should have the right to defend themselves. Technically they do, but you try it!! The police are the biggest criminals here - they routinely give cautions / warnings / or prosecute victims of crime who defend themselves as it is so easy to hit targets when a victim admits they pushed (Assaulted) their attacker off. Criminals know this so, when caught red handed, will tell the police fabricated rubbish about their victim, knowing that the police will go for the easy one! 2 muggers - 1 victim, you get mugged then the police will nick you, rather than put any effort in to investigating anything! Sadly, our magistrates, who are supposed to police the police!, are so far up the backsides of corrupt police, with their target driven megalomania that it is now common practice for criminals to be sent away (to their next victim) by the police, whilst their victims get screwed by power crazy, social climbing magistrates that clearly don't have to work for a living! Still, we get the authorities we deserve - if we, the public don't do anything about it, what can we expect? Maybe it is time we all stopped paying that part of our council tax towards the organised crime syndicate that goes to the police - it is a crime to contribute to crime afterall.
Imagine the firefighter doing his job, stoned by a gang of youths, all caught by the local constabulary. They tell the police that the firefighter swore at them, firefighter gets screwed by the dirty magistrates, loses his job, his home and probably his family. All because our police do not do the job we pay them to do, and our magistrates ignore police crime and procrastination!
參考: 15 years experience of West Mercia Constabulary - 30 years observing the ultra-corrupt Ludlow magistrates
2008-02-11 7:13 pm
they shouldn't have to. The police should defend them and the scroats that attack them should receive a rally serious penalty. Someone attacked an ambulance here quite recently, when it had a patient inside. Can't remember the punishment but it was derisory, just a small fine.(they said he was a good boy at heart- HUH)
2008-02-11 7:30 pm
yes they should be able to defend themselves ......and any one court trying to cause them harm should be jailed . how would those trying to harm the fire fighters feel if someone was killed or hurt while they were stopping them doing there job . may be they just wouldn't`t give a dam.....
2008-02-11 7:30 pm
of course they should. How can they be expected to do their jobs properly, when they're worring about how to respond to the sort of attacks they are subject to. They have so few powers when it comes to this, it'd be so easy for the kids to sue them if they did anything. the whole legal system in this country needs a real shake-up; it's ludicrous at the moment.
these men and woman risk their lives every day (and don't get paid that much for doing it). they should be shown respect, not attacked.
2008-02-11 7:26 pm
Of course they should,someone could die while they are fending off these morons.Jakedonahue has hit the nail on the head,turn the hose on them,full power!
How would these sad people feel if was their house and family on fire and the firemen were being prevented from saving them,and they should stop covering their faces on TV,let everyone see who they are and shame them!
2008-02-11 7:28 pm
Fire fighters should have weapons.

Guns should not even be banned.
Restricted, yes, but look at all the problems we have?

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