Where is the North Pole?

2008-02-11 3:47 pm
For super accurate purposes, better than 10 cm, how is the position of the geographic north pole defined?

Using the stars and pulsars will not do it -- they can only define the Earth's spin axis, which is NOT the same as geographic north pole. And besides, the spin axis wobbles around and the north pole does not.

The movement of the spin axis relative to the Earth's surface is NOT related to the 26,000 year precession cycle. And I also add that the relationship of the geographic pole and spin axis is only of historical interest.

回答 (4)

2008-02-11 6:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would think that the (true, not magnetic) north pole is *defined* as the point at which the spin axis meets the surface of the earth in the northern hemisphere. The spin axis does indeed wobble, so you could make the claim that the center of the circle made by the wobble would be the true "axis" or pole (as it would lie along the center of mass). Note, however, that it takes about 26,000 years for the axis to complete a single wobble.

2008-02-11 3:58 pm
Tis true, but the North Pole is at the center of the northern most center of our planet. All of the Latitudes converge at this point. Actually, you are correct about the geographic north pole, and the magnetic north pole. However, how accurate do you want to be?
2008-02-12 9:50 am
Ask Santa Claus.
2008-02-11 3:55 pm
the North Pole is where santa lives you crazy goose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

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