what foreign country did obama borack live in as a child?

2008-02-11 3:12 pm

回答 (14)

2008-02-11 3:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He lived most of his childhood in Hawaii but from age 6-10 lived in Indonesia.
2008-02-11 3:36 pm
Obama was born in Honolulu to a black Kenyan father and a white American mother. He lived most of his early life in the U.S. state of Hawaii. From ages six to ten, he lived in Jakarta, Indonesia with his mother and Indonesian stepfather.
Originally he is from Kenya, his uncle and grandmother, Mama Sara, are still living there.
參考: Wikipedia Cnn barakobama.com
2008-02-11 3:17 pm
2008-02-11 4:57 pm
2008-02-11 3:51 pm
Senator Barak Obama, spent time in Indonesia as a child and Hawaii.
2008-02-11 3:49 pm
Jakarta - a city located on the island of Java in the East Indies.
2008-02-11 3:49 pm
I Wonder if he surfs? He should come down to so cal and surf with the locals for some votes :)
2008-02-11 3:19 pm
I didn't know that he had lived in a foreign country
2008-02-11 3:14 pm
2008-02-12 9:47 am

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