Your favorite fast food restaurant?

2008-02-11 10:02 am

回答 (48)

2008-02-17 9:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
McDonald's is my favorite fast food place, it has the best fries and I love their big macs!
2008-02-11 1:34 pm
Burger King.=)
2008-02-11 10:32 am
Fast Eddy's

simply brilliant
2008-02-11 10:17 am
The Hard Rock Cafe's, Barcelona is great!
2008-02-17 7:34 am
1. McDonald's - the best fast food french fries ever made
2. Popeye's - the best fried chicken
3. Burger King - the best fast food burgers
2008-02-16 10:02 am
Lees Sandwiches - great Vietnamese sandwiches on fresh baguettes and amazing iced coffee. A fabulous take away meal for under $6
The world needs more of these.
2008-02-16 5:09 am
2008-02-16 1:12 am
I don't know, I pretty much like them all, but my favorites would probably be McDonald's, Hardees, Burger King, Wendy's, or Culver's.
2008-02-11 11:44 pm
Taco Bell.
2008-02-11 9:49 pm
I had to really think about that one, because i don't really eat a lot of fast food, but saying that if i was really desperate it would have to be a big juicy kebab.

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