official translator

2008-02-12 5:01 am
I am preparing to have a visa to USA. however as the visa statement state that I need to submitte my born certification. but I wasborn in chinese and my born certification is chinese version, so i need to translate it into english version in a official format. where can find the way for the official tranlation for my born certification.

回答 (2)

2008-02-12 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
完全同意 dorischan31朋友的回答. 在此, 本人只想多事地更正一下上述的英文, 請莫怪, 只屬亙相研究, 交流一下.
I am preparing to have a visa to USA. however as the visa statement state that I need to submitte my born certification. but I wasborn in chinese and my born certification is chinese version, so i need to translate it into english version in a official format. where can find the way for the official tranlation for my born certification.
I am preparing to APPLY a visa to USA. However; THE AUTHORITY stateD that I need to submit my BIRTH certification. But I was born in CHINA and my BIRTH certification is IN Chinese version, so I need to translate it into english version WITH AN official format. Where can I find the way for the official tranSlation for my BIRTH certification.
參考: SELF
2008-02-12 5:26 am
這是我曾在人民入境事務處工作所得的常識。為了更肯定,你可打 1083問美國領事館的查詢電話,再問一次。希望可幫到你!

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