AL Econ Pastpaper

2008-02-12 4:00 am
1.The demand for water is less elastic than the deand for beef
2. The more substitutes that are availiable, the higher the price elasticity
3. A consumer's total expenditure remains constant over time
4.He is said to be selfish because he is asserted to selfish

回答 (1)

2008-02-13 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1,2,3都不是套套邏輯, 因為這些句子都有可被驗證的條件。

而第4...我個人認為是套套邏輯, 因為它是斷言又沒有加局限條件, 它的結構似乎是: 因為,斷言為A, 所以是A. 沒有解釋力也沒有含意。

2008-02-13 15:50:02 補充:
1,2,3有可被推翻的含意, 而4則沒有, 且在任何情況下都成立.。
參考: myself

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