簡諧運動一問, 多多指教

2008-02-12 3:19 am
A spring of unstretched length 1m has force constant 100Nm^ -1. Its right end is attached to a 1-kg mass (P) while the left end is attached to a 2-kg mass(Q). The masses are pulled apart, stretching the spring, and then released. The system is found to oscillate.

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2008-02-12 10:03 pm
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Consider the mass P. When its displacement is x, the stretch of the spring is
x+x/2 = 3x/2.
Hence the force F=-100(3x/2)=-150x
By F=ma, we have -150x=a.
So angular frequency ω= √150
frequency f = ω/2π = √150/2π
period T=1/f = 2π/ √150.
Remark: if we consider the mass Q instead of the mass P, since when the displacement of Q is y, the stretch of the spring is 3y, so
F=-300y, hence -300y=2a, a=-150y, so we get the same answer.

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