雪災的感受 ~急~

2008-02-11 11:00 pm


((((( 180字 )))))講一講


回答 (2)

2008-02-11 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) sad and sorrow

2) Those workers only have once a time to gather with their family members but can't fulfilled their wish

3) I think the more sad time is de-frost, it will more cold and may be flooding.

4) Try to imagine if the one is yourself, stand in a very cold and raining place but without shelter and food for 3-4 days, what would you be? so we should not waste our food and clothes and not because the clothes is out of fashion and throw it away, think about those lived in mountain, even the basic need in life cannot be satisfied (water, food and shetler)

5) Have a flexible arrangement during this period, i.e. some of them can take annual leave later.... while some of them back to work....

6) It is good time for most of teenager to have deep thought of their daily livinig; I mean not just trying TV or internet game, hunting category III photos and busy about those news just waste their time and effort.

7) Honestly speaking I am disappointed with most of the 10 - 28 years old, it seems they lost of thier life directiion, why don't use such of time to build up more meaningful target in their life, say take some volunteer job, to take care those elderly...., to read some books to enlarge the basic knowledge.... either geographic or daily life (say find a way how to make a cake or DIY some home furniture, looking some books about other countries's cultural or civilizaion, you can only look by photo, not just interested those categroy III photos), taking more time to understand Mainland China recent history rather than hunting those "film stars" news. Sometimes I just wonder do they knowing they are waste their most precious moment in life: YOUNG TIME. Wish they will not regret when their precious moments quit silently.
2008-03-06 4:30 am

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