Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Book report

2008-02-11 10:33 pm
2.the most interesting part(50words)


回答 (1)

2008-02-11 11:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The solution :

1 ) It is about Charlie has won the last ticket and he has gone to the chocolate factory .

2 ) I think the most interesting part is the children who has won the ticket to go to the chocolate factory were very naughty and they had their punishment . This event are very match up in the daily life .

3 ) I think this film is not very match up with our daily life . A very poor family can get the chance to go to the factory that it is very expensive . It is very unrealistic in our life but although it is unrealistic I think it is very excited and interesting !
參考: My brain

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