runescape(after update)重可唔可以打人(in野外)? (15)

2008-02-11 9:52 pm
rune kite h1-h5比普通rune kite有分別嗎?
runescape(after update)重可唔可以打人(in野外),同殺死人可唔可拿他的物品。

回答 (2)

2008-02-13 5:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
rune kite h1-h5比普通rune kite係冇分別嫁!只係樣既問題,rune kite h1-h5都比rune kite貴!
同我想要多D補血補得的食物(10以上):如係non-member既可以食Meat pie,Stew,Apple pie,Wine,Lobster,Cake,Swordfish,Meat pizza,Chocolate cake,Anchovy pizza!
係mem既可以食Spider on stick ,Fishcake ,Garden pie ,Cave eel ,Baked Potato with Butter ,Baked potato with chilli-con-carne ,Jubbly,Bass,Fish pie,Baked potato with cheese,Oomlie wrap,Baked potato with egg and tomato,Lava eel ,Ugthanki kebab,Karambwan,Curry ,Monkfish,Baked potato with mushroom and onion ,Pineapple pizza,Baked potato with tuna and sweetcorn,Admiral pie,Shark,Sea turtle ,Wild pie,Manta ray ,Summer pie !
runescape(after update)重可以打人(in野外),但係要去bonthy hunter!另外,而家殺死左人之後係唔可以拿他的物品,只有bonthy hunter可以!
參考: runehq
2008-02-20 11:30 pm
如果你就咁上wildy就打唔到,你可以打clan war 或者係個唔知咩hunter入邊打人。
參考: me

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