romatic period嘅小提琴作品!(急)

2008-02-11 9:22 pm
我想要一d romatic period ge小提琴作品, 要有鋼琴伴奏... 只係要名就得, 有歌更好
最好要難dd, 同ma首歌一定要抒情ge...!
thx a lot

回答 (2)

2008-02-12 9:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would recommend Zigeunerweisen by Sarasate.
( Whole name: Zigeunerweisen ( Gypsy Airs) , Op.20 ) ( 流浪者之歌)

It is a very famous and well-known piece,
also the most famous piece of Sarasate.
Many people can recognize it when listening.
It is quite technical-demanding too, ( a lot more than grade 8 level)
and it is very romantic.

You may go to the following website to look at the scores.
2008-02-12 8:16 am
Salut d'Amour by E.Elgar.
(very romantic piece)

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