boyfriend and i got in fight and he says he coming home?

2008-02-10 4:00 pm
me and my boyfriend of 4 and a half years got into a huge fight monday night and he left and is still not back home yet. I texted him monday and tuesday to tell him i was soory, called him..he ignored me then on wed..i stopped calling and texting him and then on thrusday, he was calling my family to talk to them..he even went out with my dad to eat on friday and they talked for 2 hours and he told my dad he would come home and he did not friday night and he told my dad he worked late. Yesterday he texted me and said what do you want to do? and i said come home and im sorry and he said it will happen again and i am sick of being treated that way(i have hyperactive thyroid so i blow up easily and i am now on meds since thrusday, I, also found out i have a heart problem on thrusday, as well)I said we will go to counseling, etc and he texted me last night at 8:33 p.m. and said he will be home after he is done working(he owns his own business so he works a lot) and eats and he never did

I have not heard from him since. he knows our sons 2nd birthday party is today


what do you think is going through his head?


he is sleeping on a customers boat..that is what my family has told me


I checked his email last night and he went on it at 11 p.m. on a boat forum


I have 2 children. a 9 yr old daughter and a 2 year old son. the 2 year old is mine and his


he knows i almost landed in the hospital thrusday cause of my heart that was dignosed. heknew i had to wear a halter monitor and now need help but its like he does and doesnt care. I am so confused.


my family said the real test will be to see if he shows up at our sons birthday party. he knows its today but i dont think he knows its at my brothers house and i am certainly not going to tell him cause i am sick of being ignored


If he does show up at my son's birthday party, how should i act so i don't blow it?


I stopped being "obsessive" calling him since wed and then he started texting me again yesterday and saying he was coming home so when he didnt do it..I think i have a right to be upset espically when i am doing EVERYTHING and he has been gone since monday night

回答 (6)

2008-02-10 4:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like the two of you need some space from each other.
Yup, it's gonna hurt--not knowing what's going on in his life--but he needs space.
When I first read this, my first response was:
"...leave them alone, and they'll come home, wagging their tails behind them."
Perhaps this will be the case. Perhaps he just need some space to clear his mind and realize how much he feels for you.
Just make sure you keep some sort of contact with him--be it through your dad or whatever.
2008-02-10 4:41 pm
Space take some time for you and your kids and see what happens there. Good Luck
2008-02-10 4:33 pm
If he doesn't show up for the birthday he is an a hole. You need to get control of your ''blow ups'' it is not good for your kids or anyone else.
Be calm if he show for the party. Do NOT ruin your child's birthday.. that is the most important thing.
The two of you need to talk. You need to get control of you emotions and you both need to decide to work on your marriage and family
2008-02-10 4:30 pm
Girl, chill out! You are thinking waaaaay too much about this stuff. Obsessing and overalayzing is going to make it a lot worse. You're just going to have to wait for him to come around. In the meantime, get busy with other things to get your mind off this other stuff. Counseling is a good thing. Go with or without him.
2008-02-10 4:17 pm
Not knowing just what cause the fight I am sure he has enough he just need some alone time I don't believe he will miss his son birthday when or if he shows up you have said all that needs to be said so just drop it..take it one day at a time is way to short to fight talk about things if you can't wait till you can
2008-02-10 6:39 pm
Yes so you must really know him that is he working a lot or not ?

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