[ce] Math 可不可以用amath 方法做?

2008-02-11 7:10 am
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回答 (4)

2008-02-12 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually according to the regulation stated in the paper, there is no rule stating using A.Maths knlwoedge when answering question is not allowed.

However, I do strongly TRY NOT to use A.Math method to answer the questions. There are two reasons:

(i) Most of the questions in Math paper do require simple techniques to answer (such as factorization, solving linear/quadratic equations), using A.Math would make the solving process more complicated!

(ii) The paper setter will try to set the questions so that using A.Math method will lead to tedious result (e.g. finding minimum/maximum of quadratics functions). So students having A.math will not explicitly have advantage at all.

I've seen many students who are good at A.Math resulted an unsatisfactory grade in their CE maths, since the majority of them were weak in geometry (which happened in section A(2) in CE math in recent years, but this never happen in A.Math!), so I suggest you to learn both methods in both syllabus so that you can have more alternatives to use when answering the question in two papers.
2008-02-12 8:51 pm

1.在maths使用amaths獨有的方法,如果最後答案正確,是一樣可以取得full marks的,但當答案錯誤時,整題都會無分,因為所有method分都會無左。要留意,所有amaths的方法在maths都不會特別獲得method分。

2008-02-11 7:31 am
yes u can unless the question has asked u to use specific method in maths
參考: me,teacher
2008-02-11 7:18 am
no because some topic in math 已out c
參考: me

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