
2008-02-11 2:23 am
我想要一d有關屯門紅樓的資料 (in english)

最好就係用英文,thank you very much

回答 (3)

2008-02-11 2:40 am
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2008-02-22 2:54 am
2008-02-11 5:18 pm
Red Mansion to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat-sen, in Hong Kong to base, planning to overthrow the Qing government of revolutionary action. During the parties involved in the revolution, many farms in Tuen Mun, and discuss matters of revolution.

Red Mansion masters quarter Jifeng follow Dr. Sun Yat-sen years, to commemorate Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary deeds, and the establishment of open Zhongshan Park Memorial Plaza, Sun Yat-sen monument erected; visitors yearning of the great exploits of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

Traffic: in the LRT and get off at the Butterfly, or X bus 59, 59A, 59M, 259B

Location: Lung Mun Road in Tuen Mun Court and Katherine Hill opposite the village Diedie

Zhongshan Park, also known as Zhongshan Park in Tuen Mun, Lung Mun Road, Zhongshan Park, located in Tuen Mun South Tuen Mun District, in the face of Lung Mun Road near Butterfly Village and Katherine Hill Court. Legend has it is here with the revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen was gathering places. Castle Peak Park is the red chamber in the 1930s to the 1920s style buildings, is now a historical building. Park still Monument and the bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, also had six Guanglang tree, planted by Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing, have withered, the only monument.

China's revolution and the related
Hong Kong businessman Li Xuan's son in 1901 Lijitang owned and operated the "Castle Peak Farm" (New Farm). Lijitang to Japan in the understanding of the steamships Sun Yat-sen, then Lijitang joined in 1895-will then be available to the Castle Peak Farm in-use. At that time, large farms planted melons, fruits, vegetables, feeding chickens and ducks, and to become self-sufficient. Castle Peak Farm concealed locations, are the foundation of the secret base for the storage of weapons and military training. Boxer Uprising famous Huizhou and Guangzhou Huanghuagang Uprising, in the Castle Peak Farm are planned. Today's Zhongshan Park is the location of former Castle Peak Farm.

Park construction

Castle Peak Red Mansion
Castle Peak Red Mansion, also known as the Red Mansion new farms, or the abbreviation of the Red Chamber, as in the Zhongshan Park, it is often referred to as Zhongshan Park red chamber. Building is a two-tier form of mixed Chinese and Western red brick building housing the 1920s to the 1930s style buildings. Location, the Red Mansion is a ride northwest to southeast stem Miyake, back-Castle Peak. Red chamber containing a revolutionary theory plaque Legend has it wrote for the Sun Yat-sen; Sun Yat-sen in the red chamber within a wooden table planning revolutionary action.

Monument and the bronze statue

Dr. Sun Yat-sen-size bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen memorial: the establishment in 1969, with Sun Yat-sen (Sun Yat-sen) wills:

"" I committed to the national revolution, where 40 years, with the aim of seeking freedom and equality to China. Plot 40 years of experience, knowing very well to achieve this objective, we must arouse public, and joint-waiting for the world to my nation, common endeavor.

Now the revolution has yet to succeed. Where my comrades, I must be written in accordance with the "nation-building strategy" and "nation-building framework," "Three People's Principles" and "the first National People's Congress Declaration," to continue their efforts to consistently Che. Held recently advocated the abolition of the National Assembly and the unequal treaties, particularly in the shortest possible period, and promote its realization. Is in those asking! "

Dr. Sun Yat-sen memorial: erected in the 1969 New Year's Day, stands in the red chamber right Qixi small park, monument about 20 feet high, the top of the Chinese Kuomintang, the blue sky and white sun emblem. Hong Kong is a landmark in the bottom of celebrities written by Zhou Jun, Jazz 370 characters of inscriptions.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 20:33:05
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