
2008-02-11 2:18 am
According to my understanding, I am the one who can only share pain but not joy,I am afraid that I will change my mind in a short time.after a deep thinking about the issue, I found that it was far more complicated than I expected.all the matter is that I love you all. I am really worry because I realized that what is the source, together with the seriousness of the situation.since I can do nothing to stop it, I really hope that you can realize your situation and face it confidently.

回答 (3)

2008-02-11 2:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
經過深入思考這個問題,我發現,這是迄今為止較為複雜,比我預期。所有此事,是因為我愛你的一切。我真的很擔心,因為我已意識到什麼是源頭你好 ,

2008-02-11 2:46 am
表面上似係愛你. 但係實際上, 似婉拒你.
因為, 好明顯, 佢無話過同你一齊係開心既. 既然佢愛你, 又點會叫你面對現實?
通常, 講得唔明顯, 就唔係想同你一齊啦, 又或者唔鍾意你.

同埋, 好似有少少耍你咁
2008-02-11 2:28 am
主要係佢鐘意你(好似係咁解) (錯左唔好怪我)

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