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clasped hands / folded hands
We bow with folded hands / We bow with clasped hands (雙手合攏躹躬)
英文的clasp hands 和 fold hands 的動作, 其實是祈禱時用的十指扣合的手勢, 和中國人用的抱拳 (一隻手覆蓋另一隻握拳的手) 有點不同, 但由於英文沒有"抱拳"一詞, 而十指扣合和抱拳都是表達敬意的手勢, 所以很多中外翻譯家都這樣借用了.
如果有必要點出那是"抱拳"而不是"十指扣合", 要用較多文字說明:
Cup your hand over the other that is held as a clenched fist
e.g., To cup your hand over the other that is held as a clenched fist, and bow when holding them in front of you, is a Chinese gesture of paying respect.