有關HRM 問題~~~幫忙..幫忙

2008-02-11 12:25 am
It might appear that a review of current skills against the needs of LD and their clients is needed. A concern around recruitment and selection of qualified and experienced manufacturing workers is one of LD’s most pressing needs. What strategy or approach might you recommend in regards to assessing current skills?

教教我應該點做?? 俾D suggest 我.....thanks


回答 (1)

2008-02-12 9:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First I am makeing the assumption that when you are talking about LD, you are referring to Learning & Development.
For assessing current skills, it is very important for the mangement to clearly map out the entire process, identify the key steps and procedure then develop the understanding of the skills required to perform in each of these steps.
After obtaining thousands of skills that you think is important to perform, group them, analyse them and put them into fundamental competencies that can be used as a selection benchmark.
Review, revise and monitor results to ensure the relevancy and suitability of the skills.

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