請所有人幫幫忙作一篇Free Writing......緊急(+10)

2008-02-10 8:38 pm

回答 (3)

2008-02-10 11:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Today is Sunday.It is hot and sunny.we go to Ocean Park by MTR and bus.

First,we ride on a very long's roller coaster.It is very interesting and excited.Next,we
go to the mountains by cable car.On the cable car,I see all of this Ocean Park.There is blue,here is red......The Ocean Park is colourful.

2008-03-03 21:37:59 補充:
引用「should use past tense to write diary.」
thank’s for your 意見!!
2008-02-20 11:19 pm
should use past tense to write diary.
2008-02-11 2:28 am
My Mom

I think my mother is the best in the world is the world. She is tall and slim. She has black hair and blown eyes. She is healthy. She is kind and patient.

She goes jogging every morning. I don’t like jogging because it is so boring. She sleeps in the afternoon because she feels tired. She prepares dinner at night. She is good at cooking!

My mother and I are very close. We do many things together. We watch TV, play games and read together. All our neighbors like her. I love her and she loves me, too.

2008-02-10 18:29:46 補充:
Wendy,I hope this writing can help you!
參考: my writing

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