跑onlineVs RuneScape??!!!

2008-02-10 7:02 pm
Runescape 係咪一個電腦online遊戲? 跑online 這隻Online Game出了多久?

回答 (8)

2008-02-27 5:57 am
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係唔少西方節日,RuneScape都會有Event俾啲Players 玩,但係淨係得三個節目有得玩Event!有:萬聖節,聖誕節,復活節!

RuneScape唔俾錢的話有十五個Skills 俾players train,包括 Attack (攻擊)、Strength (力量)、Defence (防禦) 、Prayer(祈禱)同埋 Hitpoint (生命力) 呢幾樣係Combat (戰鬥)的主要skills,仲有Range (箭術)、Magic (魔法)、Runecrafting (整魔法石runes)、crafting (工藝,包括整金器、銀器、皮製品等)、mining (採礦0、smithing (冶鍊)、woodcutting (砍樹)、firemaking (起火)、fishing (釣魚)和cooking (煮食)。睇下圖好清楚:

你可以自由選擇train呢樣train嗰樣,得閒攪掂埋啲任務佢,又可以搵班friend 一齊去Wilderness (Wildy, 荒野)玩Clan Wars或者train下。

俾錢做member 就可以train 多幾樣skills,而家新出隻Summoning skill,好似幾得意~~~

入到game先會要你完成一個tutorial (導修),咁你就學識基本的skill,tutorial 跟住instruction應該唔難,有問題問你班friend啦!


跑online 這隻Online Game出咗2年到啦!
2009-12-16 11:55 pm
Runescape 出了10-20years
2008-02-27 4:33 am
你對 RuneScape是online game
參考: me
2008-02-23 11:53 pm
2008-02-19 4:48 am
Yes, Runescape is a computer online game, here is the information:

RuneScape is a massively multiplayer on-line role-playing game (MMORPG), it is also the name of a virtual world with monsters to kill, quests to complete and treasure to win. RuneScape is more than just a game: it is an evolving world of remarkable depth and flexibility. Players control a character and train them to improve and become more powerful, or simply to become more skilled. A player may even decide not to improve at all, and simply trade goods in one of RuneScape's many markets. What a player does in RuneScape is entirely their decision: nothing is predetermined.

RuneScape allows its players to decide what is important to them. Many players enjoy fighting in the heat of close combat, hunting out ever more powerful beasts. Others prefer to destroy their enemies from a distance with magic or missile weapons. But the game is not limited to combat: you might prefer to make the weapons of war, rather than wield them, and labour over a furnace and an anvil, or whittle arrows from wood -- all civilisations need their craftsmen, after all. Other players enjoy simply wandering across RuneScape meeting other players and characters, looking at the scenery, or completing quests.

The game is hugely popular and has a vast number of players you can meet, trade with and play alongside if you choose. RuneScape has a strong community who like to work together on quests and minigames. Like everything else in RuneScape, you can choose to interact with people as much or as little as you like by setting up a list of your friends and shutting out the noise of public conversation.

The skills that you can develop in RuneScape are as varied as the life you might lead: from the combat skills of Strength and Magic, the domestic Cooking and Woodcutting skills, right through to Crafting, Fletching and Runecrafting, and many more. Many players choose to specialise in one skill, and it is not uncommon to find them cluster together in the very best places for practising their chosen skill.

Quests can be one of the most rewarding things you do in RuneScape, as they encourage you to travel and to meet new characters, to use skills you might otherwise neglect, and, of course, all quests come with a literal reward as well. There are over one hundred quests in RuneScape, and that number is constantly growing. You may be required to do something as simple as bake a cake, or something as complex as resolving diplomatic relations between warring states.

RuneScape is constantly expanding and improving. In addition to the free version, we have a Members version that players can subscribe to so they can enjoy new quests, minigames, areas and skills that we add to the game on a regular basis. The size of RuneScape, combined with the constant stream of updates, means any player will have hours of enjoyment and challenge as they battle their way through the game.

Tales Runner (跑online) is opened for about 1-2 years. It is a also a multiplayer online game, u can play different games with other players to earn experience and after you saved up to 100% of experience, you can up a level. There are different characters for you to choose to play with, but the thing is you have to earn money yourself to buy it. Each character has different stats, it depends on the player's choice if he/she likes that character or not. It is a fun game to me.

2008-02-19 22:45:05 補充:
Sorry, i noticed that i have some grammer mistakes, please ignore it if you can. Thank you!
參考: www.runesecape.com "Knowledge Base" & www.talesrunner.com.hk
2008-02-15 5:01 am
runescape is a online game,run online open about 1-2years
參考: me
2008-02-11 9:28 pm
RuneScape憬一個雹腦online game! 跑online 這隻Online Game大約出了1-3年~


2008-02-26 19:07:33 補充:

2008-02-27 08:20:39 補充:
2008-02-10 7:32 pm
Runescape係掛!跑online出了1-2 year 掛!
參考: me

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