
2008-02-10 10:11 am
去唔到小便,我竟冇發現,到有一日發現佢手腳殭硬才帶佢睇醫生,綠十字同佢放尿(全是血),吊鹽水,抽血,用尿管,話有生命危險,而且嚴重低溫,低到探唔到熱,醫生抽血報告話佢腎指數去到High , 情況好嚴重,反覆留醫左四天,第三天時是佢有好轉抬起頭看我,温度亦上升番,因之前直情郁唔到,第五天醫生就拆晒野話嘗試出院,比左d 奶粉叫我餵食(Royal Canin 的Convalescence Support)又叫我幫佢轉糧,但出完院都係去唔到小便,我見佢呆呆,又失禁(滴d尿尿),於是立即週圍問人,多謝一位網友介紹我去睇一位醫生(貓專科)Dr Elison , 佢話貓貓有d發燒,要留醫。亦攞左佢d小便去驗。我真係好擔心,但喺綠十字度冇同佢做手術,只放尿同抽血已收左我$5000, 同埋解釋唔到尿尿唔到的原因,點解佢喺貓貓有頸位度抽血阿??佢解釋係大動脈容易d抽。。。我好大疑惑阿。。點解有網友話冇可能拆哂尿喉比佢出院。。???因為佢根本冇好番,出院都係去唔到尿尿,而且仲發埋燒。。。。其實有其他網友有貓泌尿問題的經驗告訴我嗎??同時我有另一隻貓女,要將他們隔籬嗎??

我貓貓5-6 yrs ,長毛波斯貓,仲有冇生命危險呢??我真係好擔心呀!!傷心中:(


多謝你yukbiklung~~你幫我問下d愛貓人士幫下我丫...thanks very much


我貓貓今晚出院了,好開心,原來佢冇石呀^^ 佢可能飲得太小水,去唔到厠所,我決定買過個有走動嘅 running water 好過佢飲水喉水,好多謝你地呀,感激你地呀,:)

回答 (3)

2008-02-10 5:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
除了Dr Elisn 外,你還可試試找 貓醫院的 Dr Maggie ,你的情況是急診,今天是年初四且也是星期日,你試吓打62039091 看看可否安排今天睇到。

2008-02-10 09:56:08 補充:
2008-02-10 12:28 pm
I can totally understand how worried you are now.

My cat had the same problem 6 months ago. We came back home from camping and he was lying on the ground not moving. We brought him to emergency care and they 放尿 and he spent a night there. We had to move him to a normal animal hospital the next morning and they 放尿 again. Our vet let us bring him back home the same day and see if him could pee.

However, he couldn't pee by himself, so we had to bring him back to the vet again. The vet said the nothing blocked his urinary tract, but since he couldn't relax his muscle around the tract, he had to take some muscle relaxation medication (a special compound). We brought him back and forth to the vet for a whole week (he spent the days at the vet and spent the nights at home) . We have two cats, so we seperated them. I slept with him, so I could check after he went to bathroom. It was hard because I had to wake up every time he tried and he tried so many times during the night (poor kitty). He could finally pee a little bit after the whole week and graduatelly pee more.

Urinary tract blockage is quite common, especially for neutered long hair male cats. And it can be a reoccuring problem. Ours is now on prescription diet because it helps to prevent crystal from forming. He's on the diet for 6 months and fortunately, the problem hasn't reoccurred yet. We bring him to the vet once several month, so they can collect and test his urine. We got his report last week and everything looks normal.

Make sure your cat is on prescription diet and make him drink more water. Stress can worse the problem, so you want to make sure he's happy. If he licks his genital area more often than normal, bring him to the vet and let him run an urine anaylsis. The crystal may form again.

Good luck! Hope your cat will recover fully soon.

2008-02-12 02:18:46 補充:
You can add some low sodium chicken broth to the water to encourage your cat to drink more. Make sure it does NOT contain MSG nor onion. You can simply boil a chicken or a a piece of chicken that contains fat, bone, blood, anything that would make a natural chicken broth if you boil it a long time.
參考: My own experience
2008-02-10 10:23 am

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