請問東京的disney land同disneysea那一個好玩??

2008-02-10 8:53 am

回答 (3)

2008-02-13 3:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
the price is not the same ga, disney sea may be more expensive.

the following answer was what i had answer in someone's Yahoo!Knowledge long time ago, see if this can help~^^

I think that Japan Disneyland is more suitable for people who are children,till 12 years old, but people who aged 11 or above can go to Disney Sea, because there are more exciting games inside, as the theme for Disneyland is similar to fantasy. And the Disney Sea have more exciting games etc. Tower of Terror(newest attraction game... similar to 跳樓機) and Journey to the Center of the Earth( a mixture of rollar coaster and ride)...i didn't try the Tower of Terror because..when i went there, it was not open yet, but i tried Journey to the Center of the Earth---this was quite interesting, as i had played this ride for 2 times, it's an exciting game.
Also, there are Mermaid Lagoon, you can watch the Little Mermaid Musical, it was very creative, the little mermaid will swim everywhere around you~>0<;
But the Disneyland was nearly the same as the HK Disneyland, though it was larger than HK's Disneyland.

我想問日本 Disney 同 海洋 Disney 邊個好玩 d 呢?i think that Disney Sea will be better as ther are more exciting games if you're not afraid of rollar coasters ride,, >-<

如果去過兩次 Disney ,去下 海洋 Disney 值得嗎?值得, because there are differtrnt theme in DisneySea every month...and the show will be in the evening , and it will be shown on the sea.

海洋 Disney 玩唔玩到全日呢?you can play the whole day in there , because it is big and there are a lot of shops and restaurants in there, and many shows+people, you need time to queue a ma~

海洋 Disney 會唔會玩到全身濕晒呢?no~though the name is Disney Sea, but because there's a sea in the middle of the park and mainly about sea creatures or stories, so that's why~you'll have a lot of fun in there~

海洋 Disney 適唔適合大人玩呢?會唔會覺得無聊呢?yes~of course適合! there is the Journey to the Center of Earth wo~exciting~and the newest Tower of Terror~ not無聊 at all~

海洋 Disney 既紀念品,係咪 淨係得海洋Disney 有得買呢?
會唔會兩個 Disney 既紀念品,互相都有得買呢?
of course 兩個 Disney 既紀念品 is not the same~both have their speciallites~ very nice and beautiful~ i had bought many Disney 紀念品 from there~>0
i had gone to Disneyland 1 time and Disney Sea 3times+i am a Disney fans!!
參考: I am a disney fans, i had gone to japan disneyland for 2 times and disney sea for 3 times.~
2008-08-16 5:28 am
I like disneyland!
2008-02-10 11:19 pm

2008-02-10 15:20:59 補充:

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