evaluate a english sentence

2008-02-10 8:21 am
Please give me comments about "for ten time". Is it correct?

1. Drive a car to destroy others competitor for ten time that win in the race.

Thx for all friends, But i got a question in the answer of anna that she suggested "drive" changing to "driving". Is it meaning a complete sentence, The formula is S+V+O without V+O or other Thanks, Thomas

回答 (3)

2008-02-10 5:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(Driving) a car to destroy (other competitors) (ten times) that win in the race.

2008-02-11 19:04:07 補充:
補充草草的句子Grammar有問題Driving a car (who) collided with other competitors for ten times then win in the race.a car 係死物 5能用(who)
2008-02-11 12:26 am
Driving a car who collided with other competitors for ten times then win in the race.
use collide, not use destroy

2008-02-12 09:21:48 補充:
Who = Diver
2008-02-10 4:14 pm
It should be "for the tenth time" that would sound better

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