AL GEOG PAPER2(ESSAY)係計point定impression mark架?

2008-02-10 8:15 am
AL GEOG PAPER2(ESSAY)係計point定impression mark架?

我見學校老師係逐個point俾分, 再俾個total mark係5分既discretion mark
但係我又見9x年個d marking寫改卷係"qualitative"咁改

回答 (1)

2008-02-10 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
marking and your teacher are both correct

不過係咪一個point 1分就唔會係.
佢地俾tick係因為你中point...係for his/her own reference
後尾會俾impression mark...所謂impression mark係你中唔中point...同有幾多irrelevant (IR)既野...多point多IR都唔會高分...係要一矢中的先高分....即係中marking同冇咩IR既point...仲有...可能你個段有example又會好d...因為example係for support你個point...令你個point cogent...所以會好d

evidence: 自己搵markers' report啦...由9x講到0x年都係話d考生'recite conventional textbook materials like assumptions of the models...these are all IR material...which will be discounted'

-->所以係'both qualitative同quantitative' (呢句既evidence我唔想係度公開...你可以私下問我...or你可以唔好信 = =)

一定有discretion mark呢樣既...都係唔想public同人講...想知evidence就私下問我...
my email: [email protected]
參考: me--U student studying geog and currently has few AL students, having marked more than 250 AL essays

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