
2008-02-10 7:52 am
咩名? 咩作者?

回答 (3)

2008-02-10 8:31 am
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有的。原著名為"Bid Time Return",後來改篇成為"Somewhere in Time" (即「時光倒流七十年」)。作者是 Richard Matheson。

商務印和三聯好像沒有。可向Amazon.com網上訂購,有"Bid Time Return"和"Somewhere in Time"兩個版本。"Bid Time Return"也可在香港圖書館借到。

2008-02-10 00:39:05 補充:
香港圖書館:http://libcat.hkpl.gov.hk/webpac_eng/wgbroker.exe?200802100031190078641 2 search select 1 0相關介紹:http://www.answers.com/topic/somewhere-in-time-film?cat=entertainment
2008-02-11 6:13 am
Bid Time Return is a 1975 science fiction novel by Richard Matheson. It concerns a man from the 1970s who travels back in time to court a 19th century stage actress whose photograph has captivated him. The title comes from a line in Shakespeare's Richard II (act iii, scene 2), "O call back yesterdays, bid time return." In 1980, it was made into the movie Somewhere in Time, the title of which was used for future editions of the book.

Matheson has stated, "Somewhere in Time is the story of a love which transcends time, What Dreams May Come is the story of a love which transcends death.... I feel that they represent the best writing I have done in the novel form.
2008-02-10 8:37 am
時光倒流七十年-Somewhere in Time
改編自小說《重返的時刻- Bid Time Return》,
作者理乍得·麥瑟森 - Richard Matheson

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