I want to turn them into english

2008-02-10 5:51 am
19世紀後,老虎喺亞洲嘅分布範圍同數量顯著減少。20世紀初全世界嘅野生老虎約有 10 萬隻,而目前淨番幾千隻。先後有 3 亞種嘅老虎喺1980年代前絕晒種,另外 5 個亞種嘅分布去已經縮到極度之細,分布區分離十分之嚴重,種群數量下降,處於瀕危狀態
由於棲息地變成孤島,搞到遺傳無辦法有多樣性。呢樣都係虎生存嘅威脅,家下大部分老虎品種都唔過 100 隻,長期近親繁殖、性別比例失衡都令到遺傳多樣性消失晒,遺傳質素亦都差埋。
老虎可分為 9 個亞種,其中 3 個經已絕種,

回答 (1)

2008-02-10 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The extinction of tiger mainly comes from human activities which cause their habitats to decrease in numbers and size.
Tigers that live in the north are usually bigger in size and shallow in colours. However, tigers that live in the south are smaller in size but deeper in colours.
Tigers are carnivores. All common tigers have their own place to live, besides when it is time to copulate, they will unlikely to come into contact with others. Female tigers also isolate themselves when they give birth and feed their offsprings.

Moreover, when a tiger has matured, its mother will leave him and go find other domains.

Tigers mainly eat deers, wild boars and others herbivores. They must find an area with enough food to maintain their lives. Their way of hunting is to ambush their targets. However, they will also get attacked by other animals to obtain their feathers, bones and organs when they are in a shortage of food. It has become a trandition to hunt these cat-like animals because it represents a sign of energy and courage.

After 19th century, the distribution of tigers in Asia have revealed the reduction. At the beginning of the 20th centery, there are approximately 10 thousand wild tigers in the world. However, the population have now reduced to several thousands. There are already 3 kinds of tigers that have been extincted before 1980. The distribution of five other genus have decreased greatly. This is in a severe conditon due to the scarce separation of the tigers and the decrease in the population. Today, majority of genus have less than 100 tigers. The long-term inbreeding and unbalanced sex proportion have caused to decrease the multiplicity in heredity and the quality in heredity.
Tigers can be separated into 9 genus, however 3 genus have already extincted
參考: tried my best.

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